Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

This is a list of common terms that are used within CostCertified.

  • Assembly: An assembly is essentially a way to group items together so that you can bring them into a proposal as a unit instead of individually. It is basically a container that holds a group of related items. How to create items and assemblies.

  • Item: An individual component that is priced based on a unit. An item can be material, labor, subcontracted, or a combination of those. Basically, any cost you need to account for on a proposal will be done using an Item.

  • Dimensions: A dimension is a measurement used in a proposal. Typically, it is a unit based on square feet, linear feet, each, etc. You are able to link together dimensions in CostCertified to save you from double entry. (Ex. Dimensions could be measurements like floor area, wall perimeter, etc. Any measurement that is used to determine the price of an item.) How to link dimensions.

  • Library: Your database of Assemblies and Items that you can use in any proposal. You have “Your Item Library” (Items and Assemblies you built and saved for your use) and the “CostCertified Free Library” (Items available to everyone using CostCertified that you will have access to as well).

  • Lead: A lead is simply a potential client. You might collect their contact information from a lead form on your website, Facebook, etc. Or you can enter their contact information manually.

  • Client: A client is a customer that you are ready to send a proposal to. This can be an existing customer, or a new customer that is ready to move forward. NOTE: Leads can be put into CostCertified without an email address, but clients cannot. You will not be able to send a proposal to a client without an email address entered. How to create a new client.


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