Client Chat

Client Chat

There is now an option to send and receive messages with your clients directly through CostCertified.

NOTE: For right now the client will only be able to see their messages from their proposal screen. They will not get any emails or text messages sent directly to their phone. The system is currently in Beta testing, and more functionality will continue to be added.

Sending a message

  • You can send messages for projects that you are the project manager for.

  • When you are inside a proposal on the Estimate tab, there will be a “chat” icon in the bottom right corner.

  • Click on the icon to launch the chat for this project.

    • This will show a full history of the messages for this particular project.

  • Your clients can view and respond to the messages by opening their proposal or logging in to their CostCertified account.

    • There will be a floating “Ask a question” icon in the bottom right corner of their screen. They can click this to open the chat.

Viewing all active chats.

  • From any CostCertified screen you can click the white chat icon in the top right corner of the screen.

  • This will launch the “Chat Dashboard” which will show all active chats.

  • Click on a project on the right side of the screen to open the chat for that project and send new messages.